You (Neil) Zhang  张优 bio photo



Meta - Meta Reality Labs (Redmond, WA, USA)

Microsoft - Applied Sciences Group (Redmond, WA, USA)

  • Research Intern (May 2023 - Aug 2023)
  • Audio-Visual Segmentation by Prompting Segment Anything Model
  • Mentored by Dr. Kazuhito Koishida

Tencent America - Tencent AI Lab (Bellevue, WA, USA)

Bytedance / Tiktok - Speech, Audio & Music Intelligence (Mountain View, CA, USA)

  • Research Intern (May 2021 - Aug 2021)
  • Audio-visual Active Speaker Detection
  • Mentored by Dr. Ming Tu

Tencent - Tencent Media Lab (Shenzhen, Guangdong, China)

  • Research Intern (Jun 2019 - Aug 2019)
  • Perceptual Loss Design for Mask-based Speech Enhancement
  • Mentored by Dr. Yannan Wang

Momenta - Level4 Urban Autonomous Driving (Suzhou, Jiangsu, China)

  • R&D Intern (Mar 2019 - Jun 2019)
  • Vehicle Behavioral Prediction with Urban Vehicle Trajectory Data
  • Mentored by Sen Tian and Dr. Jie Chen



  • ICASSP 2024

  • Interspeech 2023

  • IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (TASLP)

  • Audio Engineering Society (AES) 152nd, 153rd, 154th Convention

  • IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJSP)

  • EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

  • Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (TISMIR)

  • IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging (TCI)

  • IEEE Access

  • International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Systems (IJECES)

  • Imaging Science Journal

